
Secure Print Release is Making a Difference for Businesses Today
Thu Oct 15, 2020
Part of staying healthy this season is remaining socially distant from your co-workers while in the office. This is fairly easy to accomplish in most cases, but shared office equipment can pose a risk if the necessary precautions are not taken. Disinfecting surfaces is the first step, but COVID-19 is “thought to be spread from person-to-person through respiratory droplets” (World Health Organization).
So, have you also considered ways to cut down on potential gathering spaces like your print stations?
Secure print release helps businesses do exactly that—take HP’s Roam as an example.
With Roam-enabled printers, in-office and remote workers can send jobs from their computer or mobile device without the need to install specific drivers, saving IT and employee time. More important to today’s world though, Roam allows users to select a print station that is not currently in use to reduce their interaction with others and/or leave time for cleaning between uses.
Here’s how it works.
1. Send Print Job to Personal Print Queue
When you’re ready to print, select HP Roam as the destination on your device. The job will then be uploaded to your secure, personal print queue in the HP Roam Cloud.2. Automatically Discover Nearby Printers
If you’re already close to a Roam-enabled printer, you will receive a notification on your device telling you that the job can be released to that printer. If you notice it is already in use, simply walk to the next available machine and release it to that device instead.
3. Authenticate and Securely Release the Print Job
When you arrive at your desired printer, use your device to authenticate the print job. It is then ready for secure release and an almost contactless pickup.
It’s that easy! Contact us today to learn more about secure print release and how it can help protect your team this fall.