How to Effectively Store Data with a Partially Remote Team
Wed Aug 19, 2020
Too many companies were severely underprepared for the mass transition to remote work brought on by COVID-19. While you may be done scrambling and some departments are back in the office, a large portion of employees continue to work from home. A recent PwC survey suggests this is not just a temporary solution either—remote work is here to stay in one form or another.
This begs the question: is it safe to access work files at home?
The answer is both yes and no. For most companies, when you’re physically in the office, the data you access is secured by an internal or external IT team. The second you connect to an outside network, maintaining this level of security becomes increasingly difficult, especially at home when there are multiple users sharing one connection for various activities.
You need image-based on and offsite backups.
Our fully monitored backup solution acts as a bridge between in-office and remote team members. It allows you to provide secure, 24/7 access to work files, regardless of location. For those in the office, access can be limited to severs and/or workstations, and for those outside of the office, access is provided via cloud storage.
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that it isn’t always possible to be in the office. While this is a large-scale health event, there will always be small scale reasons for working from home too.
Contact us today to book your data consultation so we can tailor our solution to your unique needs. Our service department is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.