
5 Solutions to Optimize Your Internal Workflow
Tue Aug 24, 2021
At UniTech, we can offer you quality hardware, and personalized services, but we can also offer you advanced solutions that will work for your business.
Here are 5 solutions that will help optimize your internal workflows and boost your company’s efficiency.
1. Device Management
Ask yourself (or better yet, your IT team) how much time is being spent on supporting print-related tasks? Our guess? TOO MUCH TIME!
With Device Management Solutions, we can manage your networked devices remotely, so your IT team can finally focus on their priority projects.
Other benefits include:
- Reduced downtime
- Device functionality is maximized
- Your operational requirements will be supported
2. Document Capture & Distribution
Digitization has become an important part of business today. Unfortunately, inefficiencies here can cause significant issues that will result in data entry errors, frustration, and time delays.
Your team needs to be able to digitize their data securely and efficiently. So, that begs the question, what is your current process for scanning documents and digitizing the data? It’s probably not secure and not as efficient as it should be.
With Document Capture and Distribution Solutions, you have the ability to:
- Minimize paper handling when processing information
- Simplify the act of digitizing information
- Establish automated and secure document routing workflows
3. Mobile Solutions
There’s no doubt—the workplace is changing. Mobile phones are now welcomed into the office and often used to increase productivity. This means that employees’ mobile devices need access to printing capabilities.
A common issue with this is that some employees’ mobile phones aren’t compatible with the office printers and therefore don’t have access to mobile solutions. So the question then becomes, how are you supporting multiple device platforms?
With Mobile Solutions, you can:
• Allow users to leverage the exact solution they need
• Better adhere to policies and compliances
• Gain access to hosted and cloud-based solutions (depending on your mobile deployment strategy).
4. Information Management & Workflow
This is an important one. The best and quickest way to save your team time (and your company money) is to properly and effectively manage your information.
You and your employees need to be able to quickly search and retrieve information. Our guess is that this happens a lot in a day... so imagine the increase in productivity if this were an option? It could save HOURS in search time.
Tell us, how are multiple users currently accessing, reviewing, and editing these documents? Do they even have this capability?
With Information Management and Workflow Solutions:
- Documents and information can be searched for and retrieved quickly
- Documents can be easily sent for approval (the workflow with this specific solution makes it much more manageable—for everyone involved)
- Your employees can be given access to specific data
- Documents can be managed from a single workstation
5. Output Management
Do any of the following issues sound familiar to you?
- Documents are often left uncollected in a printer output tray
- Employees are printing an excess amount
- Print costs are too high
Taking control of your print environment and managing the flow of document output can be a frustrating task. You need to find out if your team is able to print securely and if you have a policy in place to deal with waste print behaviour. This is an issue for the environment and for your company’s wallet!
Luckily, with Output Management Solutions, like our managed print services, you can:
- Increase your security—both at the output level and when it comes to device access
- Set default settings to reduce wasteful printing behaviours (for example, printing in black and white vs. colour, etc.)
As you can see, there are many solutions available to help make your company more efficient. We want to work with you and help you achieve your business goals by investing in the right solutions for your business.